Minh Gul


Minh Gul has been on the top rungs in the business for years. But his success has taken a massive hit in recent years, making him a shadow of his former self.

One of Cofounders of Haggle, Gul said, “I’m getting tired. There’s a bit too much drama. I like to work hard on the product. I have to think about things on the design side but not on the marketing side. They’re not my problems.”

One of his current projects is the “Einstein Effect,” a game that uses a supercomputer to simulate the interaction between two players using only a mobile phone. The result is a virtual, 3 dimensional, human-like character.

The “Einstein Effect” is now available on Haggle Apps and the mobile app store but at $5 on iTunes, Gul said that they are far off from developing the game to the level they require to be successful. He also mentioned other projects in testing and development, that require millions of dollars to have their release delayed. Those include their first Kickstarter, the “Gram of E” series.

While there was a time when Gul would call for a “soft beta,” this might not be the case for “Einstein Effect,” a title that has raised $6 million total dollars. Gul said that this has a lot to do with his relationship with the developers on Haggle, and this game being a more personal project to him.

“I like to build simple products that solve a real problem. I’ll put my team on the same level as the developer. If the developer would be a big fan and want to make any changes I would help as much as possible.” said Gul. “We work like brothers, it’s a relationship.”

It’s not just about money or fame but quality. Gul said that he had to find a lot of “common ground” with other Haggle employees who wanted to bring a different perspective to the table.

“I’ve seen a lot of different people with different skills. Everyone can take part and have a great relationship on both sides. It can often be difficult to figure out the balance between working with the wrong people.” Gul also noted that Haggle’s current management is a work in progress.

Gul made an announcement on the Haggle site, stating that some members of his management team are being transferred to other projects.

Minh Gul

Location: Brasilia , Brazil
Company: China Mobile Communications
